20 January 2012

Breast Milk Courier In Indonesia (From Bali With Love)

Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a great week and are gearing up for your weekend. Today, I want to share with you something a little different. I came across an article on Reuters and thought it was just too unique not to share.
There's a new courier in town...well, in Jakarta. The courier service caters to working women in Indonesia by picking up their freshly pumped breast milk and delivering it to the residence of their child's careprovider. And what better way to travel through the chaotic and pollution stained streets of Jakarta, then by motorbike.

Living in Indonesia has made me look at many things differently, some positive and some negative, but one thing that has stood out here, as compared to America, is the positive push for breastfeeding. It doesn't matter where you are, if a child's hungry, you feed them...there's no indecency there. Women here are praised for breastfeeding and many continue to breastfeed up to and well past the child's first birthday. Though the article does state the number of women breastfeeding in Indonesia has dropped over the recent years. On top of it all, we all know how expensive formula can be and it's no different here in Indonesia where over half of the population lives below the poverty level.

If you are interested in reading the article, you can check it out HERE.
Happy Friday Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. The courier service company ought to fundamentally be licensed & bonded & ought to also have proper government license.

    courier services


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