30 June 2011

Richard Gere Visits Indonesian Temple (From Bali With Love)

Just now, I was searching the "www" and, to my surprise, I came across this article stating "Richard Gere Meditates at Buddhist Temple in Indonesia". So, of course, I clicked on the link and, sure enough, there he is at Borobudur Temple in Java, smiling graciously and waving for pictures, wrapped in an Indonesian batik sarong....LOVE IT!
The article goes on to explain that Gere is vacationing with his wife and son. He also made time to stop by Jakarta for a humanitarian meeting with Indonesia's President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and plans to stop by in Bali as well....
Taken from USA Today.

28 June 2011

Bali Wedding (From Bali With Love)

I recently came across these beautiful Bail wedding pictures, shot by Ambi Photography.
The wedding was at the renowned Ayana Resort & Spa.
You can see the full post on Ambi Photography's website.

Have you gotten married in Indonesia and want to share the pictures of your special day? Or maybe you are a photographer that photographed a ceremony and want to share your work?
Please email the pictures and information to me and maybe I'll feature a special post for you!

Bali Arts Festival (From Bali With Love)

If you are in Bali this month, you definitely don't want to miss the 33rd Annual Bali Arts Festival. There are an estimated 15,000 Balinese artists performing...not to mention more than 1,500 participants from 7 different countries, such as the US, Japan, Australia, Malaysia and India...as well as 16 neighboring provinces of Indonesia including: Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Maluku, Kalimantan and Nusa Tenggara.
The festival's purpose to is “maintain harmony and prevent conflicts by nurturing universal values from different cultures”. Read more about this festival at The Jakarta Post and I plan to go myself, weather permitting with my little one, so I'll have more pictures to come later this month! EXCITING!

Image taken from The Jakarta Post.

Bali Rice Field (From Bali With Love)

Flickr: Christoper Chan

26 June 2011

Blackberry vs. iPhone (From Bali With Love)

Blackberry has really taken over the market in Indonesia. I have several articles over the past few months that testify to this and bring up the question if iPhone can compete in Indonesia's market.
Taken from HERE.
"BlackBerry’s Indonesian recipe is simple: it’s the most affordable smartphone out there and mobile network providers have raced to offer the cheapest plan possible. Indonesia is one of the first countries to offer a buffet of BlackBerry services with daily, weekly and monthly options."
"Blackberry is king...in Indonesia..."

Now, as much as I love Apple (and have become a bit addicted to their products)....and have been a loyal customer to them since my first Apple purchase. I just can't afford to own an Apple iPhone in Indonesia. The plans offered are ridiculous expensive...especially for me, a stay-at-home Mami. I literally drool at the thought of owning my very own white iPhone and holding it in my hands, but reality has surfaced, and I know too, have joined the Blackberry community in Indonesia with this pretty white Curve model.
Taken from Blackberry.
I love it! I had a Blackberry World in America before I moved to Indonesia and since living here, I've only had a simple, stripped down no camera cell phone....but now, I finally have a camera phone again and it has been wonderful capturing quick moments of my daughter that I can easily email to my family back home in America. 
Taken from HERE.
Maybe one day, I'll be able to get my hands on an iPhone, but until them...I'll just dream about it having one! :)

Challenges of Leading Bali (From Bali With Love)

I came across this interesting article, several weeks back, of Bali's Governor, Made Pastika, discussing the challenges of leading Bali and if he would or wouldn't run again for re-election in 2013. 
I feel the Governor has made excellent changes and set some good goals thus far, so if he doesn't run again.....who will carry out the future vision for Bali, the Balinese people, schools, infrastructure, cultural preservation, etc...??? I guess what I really found most interesting about the article was the Governor's "vision" of what the next leader should be like and what background/experience he should have.

He said, "the ideal leader of Bali would come from the younger generation". The Governor is now 60 years old and feels running again would put him in an even higher age range, but he looks in his early 40s to me!!! Age is just a number...it's more a matter of how you feel at your age. He continued to say the next leader, "....must have a wide perspective and be an individual who has traveled internationally and studied the ways of the world...Bali, as a world tourism destination, needs a leader who can think in global terms...Don't have a toothache and then move to the sideline at every meeting"...

Governor Pastika continued to say that it didn't matter whether he retired as governor or not, he would continue to take an active role in serving the public. He has been a civil servant since 1974, choosing to take an early retirement from the police in 2008 in order to run for Governor...he added, "I have served the nation for a long time and will do so even when I rest in retirement".

You can read the full article at Bali Discovery.

25 June 2011

Elizabeth Gilbert says "goodbye" to Eat, Pray, Love (From Bali With Love)

Elizabeth Gilbert, the beloved and intriguing author of Eat, Pray, Love says goodbye to the book that made her a superstar at her last speaking for the book at the New York Public Library. Gilbert said to the crowd, she planned to indulge another fantasy of hers: "working in her garden...and living a private life with the dashing Brazilian she picked up in Bali..."
Bali already had a strong hold in the tourism sector before this book was published and you can only imagine the BOOM that hit after millions of women read this book!

You can read the great article at The Atlantic. Goodbye EAT, PRAY, LOVE!

New Bali Guidebook for KIDS (From Bali With Love)

What a great idea! I wonder why it's taken so long for this type of book to be published!
"Bali With Kids: Families Guidebook From Babies to Teenagers" is the newest book addition to hit the Bali publishing world. The book promises to cover all your needs and expectations for a vacation in paradise with children, including kid friendly hotels, restaurants, shopping, entertainment, medical issues, interaction with animals and even how to hold a fabulous birthday party in Bali!

The book can be purchased for Rp. 150,000 ($16.70) around various locations in Bali, as well as downloaded into an e-book from the website: Bali With Kids. I have got to find this book and add it to my collection!

Taken from Bali Discovery.

19 June 2011

Shoeless in Paradise (From Bali With Love)

What a great read! Two expatriates, and a longtime resident of Bali, have vowed to walk shoeless around the island of Bali until they raise $1 million (USD) in order to raise awareness for the homeless street children of Indonesia. There is roughly 232,000 homeless children living on the streets of Indonesia.
These men, and their cause, can be found on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. They also have a website: solemen.org. 
HEY GUYS! If you are interested, send me a banner and donation link....I'll be happy to help you raise awareness right here on my blog! :)
For more on this story and their daily walking itinerary around Bali, click over to Bali Discovery!

04 June 2011

An Apology & Some News (From Bali With Love)

Hello world. I'm so sorry for my absence as my daughter has been sick AGAIN. This really has not been her year. We've had 3 more visits to the doctor in the last month and now she is feeling herself again. There's nothing worse than having a sick child and looking into their tired, weak eyes and knowing you can't do anything to help them, besides give them love and comfort. So, again, my apologies for being MIA, but my family definitely comes first and foremost in this life, but I promise to make it up to you all!

So, moving on to some recent Bali news...

Coming to Bali? Give the Gift of Life by Donating Your O Negative Blood to the Bali Blood Bank. Read how you can help HERE.

Bali's Newest Water Recreation Park Now Open at Pecatu. You can read more about it and it's entry fees HERE.

Indonesia's President, Bambang Susilo Yudhoyono, is taking heat for opening a Bali conference in the English language....you can read more on this strange occurrence HERE.

Indonesia is becoming more competitive internationally. Read more about it HERE.

Ayana's ROCK BAR is on CNN's 30 Best Hotel Bars in the World! That's an also honor for Bali and Ayana. Congrats! Read more about it HERE.
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