21 September 2011

Zrrooommm! (From Bali With Love)

Wow! Can anyone else feel that? Feels like whiplash! :)

I have to apologize for being gone SO LONG. I feel like the time has passed by so quickly though as things have been so, so busy here. First, my daughter was sick, then I organized a wedding, here in Bali, and lastly, I will have another little cutie, due next month, to join big sister Akira. SO, needless to say, things have been pretty hectic here.

Honestly, I have come back to this page many times, in the time I've been away, and I haven't been able to focus on it.  I have loads of material and new information to share with you all, but I have grown a bit frustrated with Blogger. I had the opportunity to work with Wordpress last year, when I designed a website for a local business here in Bali, and I find myself dreaming of "the BIG switch". :)

Has anyone else done this who can provide some feedback, opinions, guidance...ANYTHING! I have poured into this blogger site since 2007. I have changed the layout, look, feel, appearance, theme, setup, colors, domain name, logo...everything imaginable. I have tried countless ways and times to revitalize this blog, but no matter the result, it always leaves me feeling empty. Don't get me wrong, I love the latest color scheme and logo I designed, but I'm still scavenging the web for a template to suit this sites's needs and once I do, I feel "the BIG switch" will soon follow. So, please be patient as I undertake some MAJOR reconstruction here.

I promise to be back soon with a new, fresh site and I new, previous little baby as well. Until next time, take care.

From Bali With Love,

1 comment:

  1. Greeting from Bandung Anna,
    My name is Dita and this is not my first visit- sorry for stalking your blog:)
    speaking about changing this and that with our blog, well we all been there and gud luck to you. since you asked for feed back well I think the border column makes your blog layout seems a bit narrow, maybe make the border line transparent or maybe you have better idea that just my humble opinion he he he . Anyway congrat, your blog is now on my 8 featured blogs which the list updated periodically. Happy blogging!^^


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