26 June 2011

Challenges of Leading Bali (From Bali With Love)

I came across this interesting article, several weeks back, of Bali's Governor, Made Pastika, discussing the challenges of leading Bali and if he would or wouldn't run again for re-election in 2013. 
I feel the Governor has made excellent changes and set some good goals thus far, so if he doesn't run again.....who will carry out the future vision for Bali, the Balinese people, schools, infrastructure, cultural preservation, etc...??? I guess what I really found most interesting about the article was the Governor's "vision" of what the next leader should be like and what background/experience he should have.

He said, "the ideal leader of Bali would come from the younger generation". The Governor is now 60 years old and feels running again would put him in an even higher age range, but he looks in his early 40s to me!!! Age is just a number...it's more a matter of how you feel at your age. He continued to say the next leader, "....must have a wide perspective and be an individual who has traveled internationally and studied the ways of the world...Bali, as a world tourism destination, needs a leader who can think in global terms...Don't have a toothache and then move to the sideline at every meeting"...

Governor Pastika continued to say that it didn't matter whether he retired as governor or not, he would continue to take an active role in serving the public. He has been a civil servant since 1974, choosing to take an early retirement from the police in 2008 in order to run for Governor...he added, "I have served the nation for a long time and will do so even when I rest in retirement".

You can read the full article at Bali Discovery.

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