04 June 2011

An Apology & Some News (From Bali With Love)

Hello world. I'm so sorry for my absence as my daughter has been sick AGAIN. This really has not been her year. We've had 3 more visits to the doctor in the last month and now she is feeling herself again. There's nothing worse than having a sick child and looking into their tired, weak eyes and knowing you can't do anything to help them, besides give them love and comfort. So, again, my apologies for being MIA, but my family definitely comes first and foremost in this life, but I promise to make it up to you all!

So, moving on to some recent Bali news...

Coming to Bali? Give the Gift of Life by Donating Your O Negative Blood to the Bali Blood Bank. Read how you can help HERE.

Bali's Newest Water Recreation Park Now Open at Pecatu. You can read more about it and it's entry fees HERE.

Indonesia's President, Bambang Susilo Yudhoyono, is taking heat for opening a Bali conference in the English language....you can read more on this strange occurrence HERE.

Indonesia is becoming more competitive internationally. Read more about it HERE.

Ayana's ROCK BAR is on CNN's 30 Best Hotel Bars in the World! That's an also honor for Bali and Ayana. Congrats! Read more about it HERE.

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