08 February 2011

and... (from bali with love)

...I'm back! SO SORRY TO YOU ALL! My daughter and I took a wonderful, and much needed, 17 day holiday across 2 countries. I had every intention of blogging while on vacation, but much of the time, I was without internet service. SO, needless to say, I enjoyed my time sightseeing, catching up with old friends, meeting many new friends...and SHOPPING! I didn't really take that many photos, but will upload them to flickr at a later time. I am already planning my next holiday, but I promise to try to do better with you all! :)

Since my return home, I've been busy trying to play catch-up. I'm so behind on everything from emails to blogging and laundry to gardening. Some of my projects are nearing completion and I have a few new websites that I'll be launching soon, so stay tuned for more!

Today, I will leave you with one of my many loves...ikat!! I was so excited to see Anthropologies latest additions of their ikat collection show up in my inbox. Here are some of my favorites for you to see.

Do you like ikat? Which country's style do you admire most?

Images taken from Anthropologie.
Be sure to visit their site for fabulous eye candy.

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