01 January 2011

It's Official! (From Bali With Love)

So super excited to say that my little old blog now has it's very own custom domain! That's right! Now, you can type directly to FromBaliWithLove.com! YAY!
Love, love, love this news! What a great way to KICK off the new year! Don't worry, all findings to the "blogspot.com" address will be redirected automatically to the new site domain.

Also, I've been adding lots of new features and started listing the BALI GUIDE! You can find the sections across the top of this blog under, EAT - LANGUAGE - PLAY - SEE - SHOP - STAY.

To top off all this good news, my online store will be ready to launch VERY SOON! Thank you for all the emails I've received regarding what type of items I will have available. You will get to see it all VERY SOON!

YAY! What a great day! Hope you all had a fabulous New Year's Eve and a terrific NEW YEAR to come.

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