15 January 2011

Bali News (From Bali With Love)

Plans for a second International Airport in Bali? The Vice Minister of Transportation revealed that Indonesia wants a model similar to New York, where one large city, uses multiple airports for different destinations or airlines. Read the full articles HERE.
The cost of food has been quite high in Indonesia lately. I'm not just talking about imported goods, but everyday basics, like rice, sugar, vegetables and fruit. I was happy to see this articles that the government is trying to curb inflation, cut taxes and check all rising costs of food. Not sure how helpful this will be or how quickly it will all be in place, but it will be good to see the cost of food to decrease again. Read the full article HERE.

Love Indonesia food? You are probably familiar with "cabe", or chili, that is widely popular throughout most Indonesian dishes. Well, cabe is hard to find and over priced, due to weather changes and bad crops. This article I found explains so well: 
"a kilogram of chilies can now cost a small ransom of Rp. 100,000 (US$11)....the minimum monthly wage for a worker in Bali of Rp. 1,110,000 (US$123) and a kilogram of chicken costing Rp. 17,000 (US$1.90)."
Read the full article HERE.

Hard Rock Hotel Bali has a new Water Park for children. Check out the article HERE.

Couples love taking their pictures in Bali. Whether it's for engagement or wedding, there are many choices here from location to style to wardrobe. See the full article HERE with photos by Joe Kennedy.

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