30 July 2010

DIY: Luminarias (From Bali With Love)

What You Need:
  • Metal cans in assorted sizes, cleaned and with paper labels removed and saved
  • Plain paper cut to fit the can (optional)
  • 16-penny square nail
  • Awl
  • Hammer
  • Punch-style can opener
  • 16-gauge galvanized wire
  • Pliers
  • Votive candle

1. Fill the cans with waterand freeze them overnight. (Freezing makes it easier to hammer a design into the can without damaging the shape of the can.) Don't worry if the bottoms bulge slightly from the pressure of the ice.
2. To make the paper pattern, use the wrong side of the label or plain paper trimmed to fit. Fold the paper in quarters to keep the design elements evenly spaced. Unfold and draw lines, stars, chevrons, squares, Vs, or other simple geometric shapes on the paper.
3. Tape the paper over the can, and place the can on a folded towel to protect the work surface. Using the 16-penny nail (for square holes) or awl (for round holes), hammer through the design into the can and ice.
4. Let the ice melt completely. If the bottom of the can became distorted in thefreezer, gently hammer it back in place. Use the punch-style can opener to make triangular holes along the top and bottom edges of the can.
5. To hang luminarias, cut a 20-inch length of wire and bend it into a U-shape. Insert the ends from the inside of the can to the outside through holes in opposite sides of the can. Curl the ends back over the top of the can. Place a votive candle in the can.


27 July 2010

Indonesian Children's Songs (From Bali With Love)

I have recently fallen in love with this cute little song. It's called tepuk-tepuk tangan.

 Tepuk-tepuk tangan, Suka-suka
 Tangan di kepala, Tangan di pinggang
  Loncat yang tinggi 1,2,3
  Mari-mari burung, Terbang di udara....

Here's the translation for you:

Clap Clap Your Hands
Clap clap your hands, have fun
Put your hands on your head, then on your hips.
Jump up high 1, 2, 3
Come on birds, fly to the sky...

It's so cute.

Do you have any favorite children's songs? What songs do you sing to your child?

22 July 2010

New Blog Feature (From Bali With Love)

Hello everyone! Just wanted to let you know about THIS exciting new feature for From Bali With Love readers and customers. Thank you and ENJOY!

18 July 2010

Cafe Bali (From Bali With Love)

Ok. I have to be be honest. I live in Bali and have never been to Cafe Bali. I found the pictures online through Kyla's blog. It looks like a great place, take a look...
These green shutters are to die for...very much plantation style!
Cafe Bali is located on Jl. Laksmana, which is in the Oberoi section of Seminyak, Bali. Many foreingers like to hang out in this area, mainly due to the melting pot of many different types of restaurants and the many brand name shops that are all in walking distance of each other.

I read in Kyla's comments that Cafe Bali was designed by a French architect and his Dutch, Interior Designer wife who own the restaurant together and the manager is Moroccan, so you can only imagine the fun these three had starting up this restaurant to open!

I'll definitely have to check this out next time I'm in the Oberoi area. Thanks Kyla for the photos!

Where is your favorite restaurant in Bali?
Images taken from HERE.

14 July 2010

Wishbone Dining Set (From Bali With Love)

I love this set of dining chairs and table from Carl Hansen & Son. Holly at Decor8 said the company plans to release this collection in 12 different color choices. I mosseyed over to their website to check out the different color choices available. The blue series includes 4 shades of blue and the citrus series includes a white, what appears to be a light blue, yellow and green. The next series will be released in October. Can't wait to see what color they choose! What color would you like to see this dining set in?
Blue Series photos taken from Decor8. Citrus Series photo taken from Carl Hansen & Son.

13 July 2010

Overnight French Toast (From Bali With Love)

Makes 8 servings.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Refrigerate Time: 4 hours
Cook Time: 25 minutes
5 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup milk
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 loaf Italian bread, cut into 8 (1-inch thick) slices
1 package (16 ounces) frozen whole strawberries, thawed
4 ripe bananas, sliced
1 cup granulated sugar
1. Mix eggs, milk, vanilla and baking powder. Pour over bread to soak; turn to coat well. Cover. Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight. 

2. Preheat oven to 450°F. Mix strawberries, bananas and granulated sugar in 13x9-inch baking dish. Top with soaked bread slices. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. 

3. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Let stand 5 minutes before serving.
Overnight Apple French Toast: Prepare and refrigerate bread slices as directed. Substitute 4 medium apples, peeled, cored and thinly sliced (about 4 cups) for the strawberries and bananas. Toss apples with 1 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon McCormick® Ground Cinnamon in baking dish. Top with soaked bread slices. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Cover with foil. Bake in preheated 375°F oven 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake 10 to 15 minutes longer or until apples are tender.
Taken from McCormick. First seen on Gourmet Mom On The Go.

12 July 2010

FREEBIE: for iPhones (From Bali With Love)

I saw this a few months ago on Target's website while "window" shopping for the little one then I saw it again on Decor8 and bookmarked it. I had forgotten about it until I started cleaning out my bookmarks this week.
Liberty of London created cute wallpapers to match their new line of products available at Target. If you have an iPhone just go HERE AND CLICK ON PATTERN YOUR WORLD to download the patterns for FREE! Enjoy!

11 July 2010

Indonesian Craftsmanship (From Bali With Love)

I found this gorgeous buffet/sideboard on Design Sponge. It's from Indonesia and made from MANGO WOOD. BEAUTIFUL!
You can see the whole post accompanying this picture HERE.

Bali's Green Camp (From Bali With Love)

I found an article about a Green Camp in Bali. The camp is promoted by Bali's Green School. Sounds like such fun for the children!
"Designed as a green learning experience for children between the ages of 5 and 14 years, the Green Camp Experience blends environmental education, hands-on learning experiences, Balinese culture and carefully supervised outdoor adventures from its Bali jungle location spanning 20 acres along the banks of Bali's Ayung River. The program runs 7 days a week with one day, multi-day and overnight camp experiences available. Taught by professional educators with a strong commitment to the environment, the Camp's vision is to instill a love of nature among the earth's next generation and develop a shared sense of environmental stewardship. Green Camp provides a live-in doctor, 24 hour security, and qualified instructors who speak both English and Bahasa Indonesia."
Taken from Bali Discovery.

Then, I came across a second article about the camp with detailed information for the program. You can see the detailed itinerary HERE that covers everything from Eco Living to Sustainable Agriculture to Arts & Crafts and much more. Check out the fun pictures!
Taken from Bali Discovery.

The Green School, mentioned in the articles, is founded by John & Cynthia Hardy. Remember I blogged about their life in Bali HERE, their gorgeous home in Bali HERE and their villa rentals nestles among the rice fields HERE. :) NOW, here is the Green School they built.
Taken from HERE.
The children attending this school and camp are some lucky kiddos!
Would you enjoy this? Would you send your children to a green camp like this if one was available to you?

09 July 2010

DIY: Scarf Pillows & Frames (From Bali With Love)

This woman never ceases to amaze me. I just love Jenny from the Little Green Notebook. I've blogged about her several times before. She has the best decorating ideas on her blog and she shows you many ways and examples of how to accomplish a great look for a great price. :)

I love this idea of using scarves to make pillows! A few years ago, I got a whole pile of scarves from my mother...scarves worn in the 80's and early 90's. I remember she used to wear them to work in her blazer pocket or tied around her neck for a loose cowl look. Sometimes, she would even thread them through the loops of her skirt or slacks to serve as a fun belt. When I moved overseas to Bali, I sold most of my stuff and packed up the rest. I honestly can't remember if they went into my box of items to keep or to donate?!?! I sure hope I saved them so I can do this project when I move back to the states. Jenny also suggests framing scarves, which I've seen done in many design magazines before. This is such an easy and CHEAP project to add that something special to your room. You can even use this project to showcase favorite heirlooms, such as your Grandmother's favorite scarf.

Here are SOME of Jenny's post ideas. You can see Jenny's full post HERE.

Jenny also provided links on her post that show how to do this project HERE and HERE.

07 July 2010

Chair + Cradle = Happy Rocking (From Bali With Love)

Isn't this a great idea? Why didn't anyone invent this sooner?
Taken from Style Files.

Thank You Annette Tatum! (From Bali With Love)

I know by now everyone has heard of the book, The Well-Dressed Home by Annette Tatum. I blogged about her book before here. The book tells us how to design a wardrobe inspired home! Well, today I'm super excited because Annette took time to thank me on her blog for posting about her book.

If you haven't seen it already, hurry and buy a copy of it! Buy her autographed book here. See her post here. Visit her site here. View it in my bookstore here.

Thank you for the thank you Annette. You are truly an inspiring woman!

06 July 2010

Book: The Creative Entrepreneur (From Bali With Love)

Have you read The Creative Entrepreneur by Lisa Sonora Beam? The book explains how to take charge of your creative works and passions in life and turn them into a successful business. Step-by-step you can turn your dreams into reality.

Have you read it? What business would you start-up?

04 July 2010

Escape To Papua (From Bali With Love)

Misool Eco Resort. Wow! This resort is located on a private island in West Papua, Indonesia. Some key attractions are the white, sandy beaches, breathtaking dive sites, water cottages built to European standards, accommodated by locally hand crafted furniture and rattan, beach front restaurant with an international chef, a "no-take" zone to protect the surrounding inhabitants and much more!

I think it's neat how, mentioned on Design Sponge's post, the resort worked with Conversation International to bring artisans from Bali to West Papua to make rattan and other furniture for the resort. I plan to review Conversation International's website and learn more about their services and projects.
I love this veranda with a BUILT-IN HAMMOCK, how cool is that?

You can find more beautiful pictures by visiting the resort's website HERE.
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