27 December 2010

Blogging Resources (From Bali With Love)

Seeing how I'm the organized, "de-cluttering", ODC type...I'm constantly trying to change things around and make them better.

This holds true to my house, in which I rearrange the rooms every month or so, partly because I get bored with how it looks and partly because I feel everything has it's right place and once everything is in it's right place, then everything will be perfect and look perfect and there's no need to "arrange" it all, anymore.

This also is true for my blog. You all know my blog has been undergoing a "renovation" and, I hope, by the end of the year, I will have my blog and online shop all setup perfectly. :) So, I am still moving things around (again).

I want this blog to be a great resource guide with inspirational posts and photos all pertaining to Indonesia, so I have removed the blogging resources from my "LINKS" section at the top of the page because I feel it isn't related to what From Bali With Love has to offer, but I will display them here in this post for anyone who is looking for some great blogging resources. I also plan to update the list, in this post, as I find other helpful and useful blogging sites. Enjoy!

~Blog Resources~

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