04 November 2010

My Friend Is On iTunes (From Bali With Love)

One of my good friends, Oncez, here in Bali, recently came out with his first CD. His single, Hello Again, is now LIVE on iTunes. It is a rock song with a cheery mood and great beat and mixes the Indonesian language with English. His band, Ronaldgang, is a rock/blues band. 
Oncez is honestly the best guitar player I know. I've said that ever since the first day I met him. If you ever have the chance to see him perform LIVE, you would know that he plays with THE faster fingers ever! To paraphrase Frank Zappa's song, his "guitar will kill your mama". :)
Go HERE to preview and download his song or go to iTunes and search for Ronaldgang. It is available to purchase for $0.99. Please help support this up-and-coming artist.
I will post more later on Ronaldgang.  I hope you enjoy the song. 
Feel free to comment here with your own review.
Happy Listening and Keep Rockin'! :)

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