19 November 2010

Dubai & Saudi Arabia (From Bali With Love)

Have any of you been to Dubai or Saudi Arabia?
Map taken from HERE.
I need a holiday and have been seriously thinking of visiting these places.
Taken from HERE.
Dubai has an estimated population of close to 3 million people.
Taken from HERE.
I have some friends, from the UK, living in Dubai and they have invited me to come and visit and stay with them.
Taken from HERE.
What a wonderful opportunity that would be to take a break, sightsee and do some shopping!
Taken from HERE.
And, I saved the best Dubai pictures for last. The World's largest water foundation. It sprays over 22,000 gallons of water into the air, features over 6,600 lights and has 50 different, unique color projections.
Taken from HERE.
Taken from HERE.
Taken from HERE.
Taken from HERE.
Taken from HERE.
NOW, Saudi Arabia is Dubai's neighbor. 
Taken from HERE.
Saudi Arabia has an estimated population of 28 million people and is home to the largest oil reserve and oil exporter in the world. 
Taken from HERE.
I actually met someone in Bali a few years ago who is from Canada and working in Saudi Arabia with an oil company and also, someone from Malaysia who worked there teaching English. 
Taken from HERE.
I would love to meet with both of them again, if I decide to visit there. It would be great to catchup and get insider recommendations to the best spots to see while there...maybe even tour the oil company and see how they operate. Exciting!
Taken from HERE.
It's always great knowing people when you travel. 
Taken from HERE.
That's one of the things I love so much about living in Bali is the opportunity I have to meet people from all over the world. 
Taken from HERE.
You just never know when your paths will cross again or when you may need them for something.

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