30 October 2010

Surprise! (From Bali With Love)

Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a fantastic week. I want to tell you all about a surprise! From Bali With Love currently has over 500 followers with Google, FB fan page, NetworkedBlogs, Bloglovin' and Twitter. The highest traffic counts are as follows and in no particular order:
-Indonesia: Surabaya, Jakarta, Bali
-Japan: Chiba, Makuhari, Osaka
-United States: Tennessee, Alaska, South Carolina
-Australia: Melbourne, Perth
-United Kingdon: London
I have been so blessed to have such wonderful followers that I have decided to start periodic giveaways, throughout 2011, of items from Indonesia. All you have to do is follow From Bali With Love on FB and/or Twitter. I will post details for the giveaways on those two sites and winners will be announced here on my blog, From Bali With Love.

And, speaking of giveaways, I would like to start now! 
Many of you may remember, I posted twice about a poll of questions and also placed the poll in the sidebar of this site. Well, only ONE reader answered all the poll questions. She was following anonymously. Now, I can't find her or contact her, but I hope she sees this post. KELLI, you are the winner. You answered in the poll that if you could have ONE thing from Indonesia, it would be a cookbook. Well, I'd like to send you a cookbook. Please follow publicly and email me with your address. Thank you KELLI!

Be sure to check back here often at From Bali With Love for more winners! I look forward to seeing you all. More details to come soon, so stay tuned!

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