23 October 2010

Life in Bali (From Bali With Love)

People are usually surprised when they realize how "simple" my life is in Bali. Here are a couple of pictures to give you an idea of my daily life in Bali.
This is how I wash clothes and diapers. Yes, I wash cloth diapers BY HAND! :)
This is how I dry all the laundry. 
The only downfall is trying to dry the laundry during rainy season!
Sometimes, I have to rewash laundry if outside more than 2 days and there's no sun to dry everything. :)
This is how I wash dishes. Washing dishes by hand is something I'm used to though since I've only lived in one house EVER with an automatic dishwasher! :)
And, lastly, this is how I cut grass!

Hope you enjoyed my life in Bali series today! :)
Have a great day! And, stay tuned for more...

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