24 October 2010

Indonesian Ikat Bed Cover (From Bali With Love)

Do you remember my previous posts about Peacock pavilions boutique hotel in Morocco? You can see them HERE and HERE. Well, I have a new addition today. Maryam has done it again with this gorgeous room featuring an ikat bed cover. SWOON! I love how she paired it with items from Morocco, France and Thailand.
Image taken from HERE.
This particular style ikat, if I'm not mistaken, is from Sumba. Sumba is located in the eastern part of Indonesia in East Nusa Tengarra Province. I haven't had the opportunity to go to Sumba yet but I hope to soon. It's about 2 hours or so by plane from Bali. Here's a map of Eastern Indonesia. You can see Bali on the left and Sumba is 3 island hops over to the right.
I love Sumba ikat. It's so tribal looking. Here are a few other beautiful examples of gorgeous Sumba ikat:
Map taken from HERE.
Taken from HERE, HERE, HERE and the last two from HERE.

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