23 October 2010

Blog Makeover Part 2 (From Bali With Love)

Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a fabulous week. A few days ago, I blogged about some of the improvements I've been working on here at From Bali With Love. In case you missed the post, you can find it HERE. Today, I want to give you a quick update on my new pages. As you may have noticed, I added page tabs to my blog a few months ago that can be found across the top of this blog page.

In the ABOUT section, you can learn a little bit about me. Also, I would love to hear from YOU and get your feedback about the content of this blog. If there is something you would like to see showcased on this blog about Bali or Indonesia in general, or if you have questions about life in Bali, please email me and let me know. I'll be happy to accommodate you.

In the ADVERTISE section, you will find the rates and available sizes to advertise your blog, business, product or services on From Bali With Love.

In the BALI GUIDE section, you will find places to go, things to do, hotels to stay, best beaches and more. This section is almost complete and I hope to have it up and ready for you all in the next two weeks! I am so excited with how it is turning out! :)

In the BANNERS section, you will find From Bali With Love banners and buttons in various styles and sizes. Feel free to put one on your blog or website and link it back to From Bali With Love with: http://annaelizabethpoole.blogspot.com/

The BLOG tab is just the HOME tab to get back to the regular weekly posted content.

In the LINKS section, you will find some helpful sites for blog resources, my favorite cooking sites, Indonesia related sites, my favorite magazines, my favorite shopping sites, South Carolina related sites and more!

In the LINK LOVE section, you will find some websites that refer back to From Bali With Love. If you are interested in doing a text link exchange, simply place a link to From Bali With Love on your website and it will automatically generate a text link back to your site within 24 hours. So show some love for From Bali With Love and it will be returned to you as well! :)

In the MENTIONS section, you will see other sites and blogs that have given a shout-out to From Bali With Love. Click on the images to be taken to the related article or post.

In the RECIPES section, I'll be adding recipes for everyday, children, quick and easy dishes, desserts and Indonesian foods. You can also go to my RECIPE COLLECTION to view much more than I have included on my blog!

In the SHOP BALI section, you will SOON be able to find my online shop of various products from throughout Indonesia. I'm super excited about it and will be launching it by the end of the year. Also, if you have any special requests for items from Indonesia, I'd love to be your personal shopper! Just email me with your request and I'll see what I can do. :)

Ok, there's all for now. More blog makeover updates coming soon. Hope you are enjoying the new and improved From Bali With Love site! Thank you to all of my readers.
Happy Blogging!

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