14 September 2010

I'm a Winner! (From Bali With Love)

Sorry for being MIA from the blogosphere. Things have been ridiculously crazy on the home front since I returned from Singapore. SO, I'll start off today with a positive post!

Remember this post I made about entering a photo challenge? 
Well, two of my photos placed in the challenge! Thanks MaryAnne

Here are my photos that made the cut:
3rd Place for the Reflection Theme
This photo was taken at a wedding here in Bali. The venue was on top of a huge cliff overlooking the ocean. The floating candles made for a very romantic atmosphere.

Favorite for the Circle, Triangle, Square Shapes From the Ground Up Theme
This photo was taken in my hometown at a small burger joint. The chicken truck is legendary and stays parked outside of the joint.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Loved all of the pix you entered, and you know how I feel abt the Gene's pic- AWESOME!


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