01 March 2010

DIY: Striped Curtains (From Bali With Love)

Do it yourself striped curtains! I found this super cute curtain project on Design Dazzle by Camila from High-heeled Foot in the Door. It looks easy if you have the time to get it all together. See how Camila did it below via Design Dazzle or check out Camila's instructions on her post here.

Have you ever wanted to find a certain type of fabric and couldn't? Well, Camila from High-Heel Foot in the Door came up with a clever solution. She wanted yellow and white striped fabric...couldn't find it...so she made her own. She started with basic IKEA white curtains:
 And used Tulip fabric spray paint, frog tape and construction paper.
Sprayed yellow fabric spray paint...

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