07 February 2010

Calling Bali Home (From Bali With Love)

John and Cynthia Hardy are well known for their jewelry designs. I blogged about them before HERE after seeing an article about their home in Cookie Magazine. They are now permanent residents of Bali, Indonesia. They have sold their share in the jewelry business and are currently working on a new project of running an international school in their residing area near Ubud.
Now I have found an amazing showcasing of their home by The New York Times. Thank you New York Times. I love you! The Hardy's purchased 11 small properties to build their 110 foot long home on a 2.5 acre area nestled in Bali's Ayung River Valley.
I love how Mrs. Hardy mentions the upkeep of the house mixed with nature's creatures. She is quoted in the article as saying: “We get lots of cobwebs, dust and leaves flying around. Ferns grow out of the wood on the second floor. We even have bee holes in some of the teakwood.” Living in Bali, myself, I now and understand how nature's creatures can find their way into your home. We, too, have spiders, ants, lizards, frogs...all wandering into our house on any given day.
Check out New York Times amazing article HERE. Images taken from HERE.


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