02 January 2008

Leaving for Makassar...(From Bali With Love)

Well I didn't do a lot this morning but prepare for my trip to Makassar.

We did go to a wonderful new restaurant in Kuta called Warung Haarlem. It was beautifully decorated for Christmas, the owners were so nice and the enviroment was nice and relaxing...we stuffed ourselves full...as usual. We are BOTH really good eaters!

After dinner we all met up at the airport and thought we were going to be late checking in but our plane was delayed an hour so we just sat around and talked and joked.

The flight was only 45 minutes and as soon as we landed Chawi turned to me and said, "Welcome to Makassar" and then they followed with "Welcome to My Makassar".

I love it here already!

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